Introduction: The small intestine of albino rats is a transitive canal between the stomach and the cecum that is closely located from each other, reaches a length of one meter, which in …
Introduction: The stomach and small intestine are important organs of the digestive system and, to date, they are the subject of research by morphologists, endocrinologists …
Purpose-the paper is aimed at the study of the internal structure of the lymphoid nodules of the Peyer's patches of albino rats' small intestine. Material and methods. 30 mature albino …
ВГ Гринь - Журнал Гродненского государственного …, 2019 -
Введение. В общем кровеносном русле тонкой кишки принято выделять поверхностно расположенные магистрали, осуществляющие распределение крови по всей площади …
Interestingly, some papers report about a decrease in the amount of aggregated lymphoid nodules (Peyer's patches) in the intestine of experimental animals in experimental modeling …
OS Maksymenko - Morphologia, 2022 -
Background. Previously, the greater omentum was considered an inert adipose tissue that provided isolation of the abdominal cavity, but now it is recognized as an active …
Актуальність. Раніше великий чепець вважали інертною жировою тканиною, яка забезпечувала ізоляцію черевної порожнини, але в даний час він визнаний активним …