Abstract Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) refers to a range of techniques, algorithms and systems that can be used to deal with the heterogeneity of data that is common inside …
Simple ontology alignments, largely studied in the literature, link a single entity of a source ontology to a single entity of a target ontology. A limitation of these alignments is their lack of …
It is common practice for data providers to include text descriptions for each column when publishing data sets in the form of data dictionaries. While these documents are useful in …
The Brick ontology is a unified semantic metadata standard for building assets and their relationships, serving as a key enabler for effective interoperability and automation of …
Mapping languages allow us to define how Linked Data is generated from raw data, but only if the raw data values can be used as is to form the desired Linked Data. Since complex data …
G Nemirovski, A Nolle - Semantic Web, 2017 - content.iospress.com
Abstract This paper presents Map-On, a web-based editor for visual ontology mapping developed by the Architecture, Representation and Computation research group of La Salle …
We examined the contribution of genetic and environmental influences on the stability of withdrawn behavior (WB) in childhood using a longitudinal multiple rater twin design …
Typically tools that map non-RDF data into RDF format rely on the technology native to the source of the data when manipulation of data during the mapping is required. Depending on …
M Fiorelli, A Stellato - … : 14th International Conference, MTSR 2020, Madrid …, 2021 - Springer
Tabular data formats (eg CSV and spreadsheets) combine ease of use, versatility and compatibility with information management systems. Despite their numerous advantages …