A taxonomy of performance forecasting systems in the serverless cloud computing environments

S Seneviratne, DC Levy, LC De Silva - Serverless Computing: Principles …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Serverless Clouds Computing environment (or platform) manages the resource
management of its respective clients who generally submit their respective applications as …

A taxonomy of performance prediction systems in the parallel and distributed computing grids

S Seneviratne, DC Levy, R Buyya - arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.2380, 2013 - arxiv.org
As Grids are loosely-coupled congregations of geographically distributed heterogeneous
resources, the efficient utilization of the resources requires the support of a sound …

A user-based model of grid computing workloads

M Carvalho, F Brasileiro - 2012 ACM/IEEE 13th International …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A computational grid is a large scale federated infrastructure where users execute several
types of applications with different submission rates. On the evaluation of solutions for grids …

Business-driven short-term management of a hybrid IT infrastructure

PD Maciel Jr, F Brasileiro, RA Santos… - Journal of Parallel and …, 2012 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of managing a hybrid computing infrastructure whose processing
elements are comprised of in-house dedicated machines, virtual machines acquired on …

A review on resource availability prediction methods in volunteer grid computing

S Rubab, MFB Hassan, AKB Mahmood… - … on Control System …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computational grids comprise heterogeneous collections of resources. Resources have
varying and unreliable performance because of network bandwidth, system load, network …

Evaluating the impact of planning long-term contracts on the management of a hybrid IT infrastructure

PD Maciel, F Brasileiro, R Lopes… - 12th IFIP/IEEE …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The cloud computing market has emerged as an alternative for the provisioning of resources
on a pay-as-you-go basis. This flexibility potentially allows clients of cloud computing …

Predição da qualidade de serviço em grades computacionais P2P.

MWA CARVALHO - 2011 - dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br
As grades computacionais entre pares (P2P) possibilitam a agregação de uma grande
quantidade de recursos, espalhados em diferentes domínios administrativos, formando uma …

Workflow Predictions Through Operational Analytics and Machine Learning

G Kousalya, P Balakrishnan, C Pethuru Raj… - … Workflow Scheduling in …, 2017 - Springer
Workflow execution employs predictive analytics to extract significant, unidentified as well as
precious insights from several stages of execution. Further, the operational analytics …

Gerência de nuvens computacionais considerando diferentes classes de serviço.

MWA CARVALHO - 2016 - dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br
O modelo de nuvens computacionais de infraestrutura como serviço (IaaS, na sigla em
inglês) vem crescendo significativamente nos últimos anos. Este aumento em sua adoção …

[PDF][PDF] Centro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática

FM Medeiros - 2016 - core.ac.uk
Desde os anos 70, o pré-processador C é amplamente utilizado na prática para adaptar
sistemas para diferentes plataformas e cenários de aplicação. Na academia, no entanto, o …