Research into balance of rocks and underground cavities formation in the coal mine flowsheet when mining thin seams

M Petlovanyi, D Malashkevych, K Sai… - Mining of mineral …, 2020 -
Purpose. Study the movement of waste rock flows in the coal mine technological system and
determine the balance of rocks and underground cavities formation from the perspective of …

Gas hydrates technologies in the joint concept of geoenergy usage

R Dychkovskyi, M Tabachenko… - E3S Web of …, 2021 -
The paper represents the analysis, which has helped to establish the usage of gas hydrate
technologies in the methane conversion. This gas could be obtained in different ways …

Chemical pollution peculiarities of the Nadiya mine rock dumps in the Chervonohrad Mining District, Ukraine.

V Skrobala, V Popovych, O Tyndyk… - Mining of Mineral …, 2022 -
Purpose. The research purpose is to study the peculiarities of chemical pollution of the
Nadiya mine rock dumps in the Chervonohrad Mining District, depending on the relief …

Environmental safety of phytogenic fields formation on coal mines tailings

V Popovych, P Bosak, M Petlovanyi, O Telak… - 2021 -
Objective of the study is to research peculiarities of phytogenic fields formation of natural
and artificial plantations of shrub and ruderal vegetation on coal mining waste heaps within …

Substantiating the operating parameters for an underground gas generator as a basic segment of the mining energy-chemical complex

P Saik, V Falshtynskyi, V Lozynskyi… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
This paper presents the main aspects of changing the coal mining technology based on the
introduction of underground coal gasification technology for the mining-geological …

Use of magnetic fields for intensification of coal gasification process

V Lozynskyi, V Falshtynskyi, P Saik… - Rudarsko-geološko …, 2022 -
Sažetak Underground coal gasification is an alternative method for mining coal from thin
and ultra-thin seams, which enables conversion of solid fossil fuels into combustible gases …

Investigation of deportment of chalcophilic heavy metals in the waste rock of Central coal enrichment plant" Chervonohradska" for the purposes of environmental …

I Kochmar, V Karabyn - 2022 -
Mining areas are centres of increased environmental danger. This is due to the development
and operation of mines and subsequent beneficiation of coal, as well as the storage of …

Температура займання та самозаймання найпоширеніших деревних порід териконів

Екологічна небезпека шахтних породних відвалів в умовах урбанізованого середовища
є високою. Для її оцінювання у кожному конкретному випадку потрібно проводити …

Water Extracts from Waste Rocks of the Coal Industry of Chernvonograd Mining Area (Ukraine)-Problems of Environmental Safety and Civil Protection.

I Kochmar, V Karabyn - 2023 -
The article presents the results of the research on mining production waste in the
Chervonohrad Mining Area. For the first time the water extracts from certain types of waste …

Clinoptilolite-and glauconite-based sorbents for lead removal from natural waters

K Stepova, R Konanets - Journal of Environmental …, 2024 -
The aim of the research is to determine the effect of heat treatment and microwave
irradiation on the sorption properties of a natural clinoptilolite and glauconite to Pb2+ ions …