How much can one say with confidence about what constitutes" the freedom of speech" that Congress shall not abridge? In this Article, I address that question in the context of the …
Imagine an American, Ed, moves to another country. He gets involved in politics, perhaps to support a law that would legalize marijuana, perhaps to support the mayor's recall. Either …
Reconciling Copyright with Cumulative Creativity: The Third Paradigm examines the long history of creativity, from cave art to digital remix, in order to demonstrate a consistent …
" Regulating in the dark" is one of the better labels that has been used to sum up the policymaking response to the global financial crisis. 1 When the Dodd-Frank Act was rushed …
This comprehensive textbook by the editor of Law and the Internet seeks to provide students, practitioners and businesses with an up-to-date and accessible account of the key issues in …
This Article will compare and contrast ex ante network neutrality regulation by a sector- specific government agency and ex post review by a court or competition authority. The …
CT Marsden - IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política, 2012 -
Aquest article se centra en el repte global de la política de neutralitat a la Xarxa: podran els governs garantir un accés més gran a Internet encara més ràpid, mentre donen suport a les …
Two regrettable behaviors have emerged online: the posting of content about others without their consent; and impulsive postings with no consideration of long-term consequences …
Copyright is traditionally theorized as a utilitarian system for encouraging authors to produce creative works for the benefit of the public. Copyright policy in this view is fundamentally …