Il presente lavoro è dedicato a uno studio storico-comparativo delle formazioni causative sintetiche ricostruibili per l'indoeuropeo, suddivisibili in tre tipi: temi ad affisso nasale, temi …
The suffix*-nt-is taken for granted as a Caland suffix in two of the most recent and important works on the Caland system, those by Nussbaum (1976) and Rau (2009), but other authors …
L Kulikov - Poznań studies in contemporary linguistics, 2013 -
The present paper demonstrates the relevance of the semantic approach to transitivity (going back to Hopper and Thompson 1980) for the analysis of Vedic causative verbs. I will …
The heteroclitic nominals of Indo-European retain one of the oldest types of inflection in the family, one with suffix-final-r-in certain cases and-n-in others. This alternation finds no …
G Verhasselt - Historische Sprachforschung, 2014 -
1. Einführung 1982 hat Pinault einen kurzen Aufsatz geschrieben zu einer bis dahin großenteils „unberücksichtigten indogermanischen Lautregel “, nämlich dem …
B Vine - Indogermanische Forschungen, 2016 -
Abstract According to Christol (1996: 809ff.), some Latin words in-ss-(allegedly with “expressive gemination”) could receive a principled explanation as systematic exceptions to …
L Alfieri - Indogermanische Forschungen, 2008 -
In a first phase (usually called Proto-Indo-European in English or Früh-Indogermanisch in German) the derivational system is deradical and athematic. The selection of diathesis takes …
C George, A Ruppel, B Nielsen, M McCullagh - 2020 -
This volume presents new work exploring how the study of historical linguistics can advance our understanding of Greek and Latin and, conversely, how the classical languages can …
W Schulze - Manuscript. Search in, 2010 -
Already the earliest assumptions concerning syntactic language change dealt with the emergence of ergative patterns. 2 One of the first authors who turned to the problem of what …