Guilt, Responsibility and Trauma: Restoring the Moral Self-Image in Postwar Slovakia

H Kubátová - Trauma, Experience and Narrative in Europe after …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter explores the role of guilt, responsibility and trauma in community formation and
erosion. Historians of World War II and the Holocaust often misread avoidance strategies …

Memories of the Holocaust: Slovak bystanders

M Vrzgulová - Jews and Gentiles in Central and Eastern Europe …, 2017 -
This study focuses on the way witnesses of historical events communicate their past
experiences–how and what they choose to recall. By acknowledging the role of subjectivity …

The Oral History Method and Holocaust Research in Slovakia: An Insider's Reflections

M Vrzgulová - Oral History and the Holocaust in Slovakia: Selective …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter discusses the socio-historical context, methodology, research samples and
ethical challenges faced by two major international oral history projects conducted in …

Jewish Neighbours in the Memories of Non-Jewish Eyewitnesses

M Vrzgulová - Oral History and the Holocaust in Slovakia: Selective …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter discusses the images of Jews in the memories of their non-Jewish neighbours
before, during, and after the Holocaust, the shifting meanings of the 'us-them'dichotomies …

Gréckokatolícka cirkev a Židia v Slovenskej republike v rokoch 1939–1945

G Székely - Studia historica Brunensia, 2022 -
The study analyzes the attitude of the Greek Catholic Church towards the Jewish population
in the Slovak Republic during 1939–1945. In the authoritarian political regime, this minority …

[PDF][PDF] Štát a židovská komunita na Slovensku v 19./20. storočí

I Bumová - Axis Mundi, 2013 -
The author addresses the relationship between the state and the Jewish minority in
Slovakia, with primary focus on the 20th century. She studies legislation and political actions …

A zsidókról kialakult kép a háború utáni Szlovákiában

H Kubátová - Regio, 2016 -
945. május 15-én délután a Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács ünnepélyes alakuló ülésén Jozef
Lettrich, a szlovák Demokrata Párt vezetője és egyben a Tanács elnöke …