The power of block-encoded matrix powers: improved regression techniques via faster Hamiltonian simulation

S Chakraborty, A Gilyén, S Jeffery - arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.01973, 2018 -
We apply the framework of block-encodings, introduced by Low and Chuang (under the
name standard-form), to the study of quantum machine learning algorithms and derive …

[图书][B] Quantum walks and search algorithms

R Portugal - 2013 - Springer
This is a textbook about quantum walks and quantum search algorithms. The readers will
take advantage of the pedagogical aspects and learn the topics faster and make less effort …

Applying quantum algorithms to constraint satisfaction problems

E Campbell, A Khurana, A Montanaro - Quantum, 2019 -
Quantum algorithms can deliver asymptotic speedups over their classical counterparts.
However, there are few cases where a substantial quantum speedup has been worked out …

Quantum walk speedup of backtracking algorithms

A Montanaro - arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.02374, 2015 -
We describe a general method to obtain quantum speedups of classical algorithms which
are based on the technique of backtracking, a standard approach for solving constraint …

Near-optimal quantum algorithms for string problems

S Akmal, C Jin - Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2022 - SIAM
We study quantum algorithms for several fundamental string problems, including Longest
Common Substring, Lexicographically Minimal String Rotation, and Longest Square …

Quantum speedup of branch-and-bound algorithms

A Montanaro - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
Branch-and-bound is a widely used technique for solving combinatorial optimization
problems where one has access to two procedures: a branching procedure that splits a set …

A unified framework of quantum walk search

S Apers, A Gilyén, S Jeffery - arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.04233, 2019 -
The main results on quantum walk search are scattered over different, incomparable
frameworks, most notably the hitting time framework, originally by Szegedy, the electric …

Multidimensional quantum walks

S Jeffery, S Zur - Proceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on …, 2023 -
While the quantum query complexity of k-distinctness is known to be O (n 3/4− 1/4 (2 k− 1))
for any constant k≥ 4 [Belovs, FOCS 2012], the best previous upper bound on the time …

Robust quantum walk search without knowing the number of marked vertices

Y Xu, D Zhang, L Li - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
There has been a very large body of research on searching a marked vertex on a graph
based on quantum walks, and Grover's algorithm can be regarded as a quantum walk …

Improved quantum algorithm for triangle finding via combinatorial arguments

F Le Gall - 2014 IEEE 55th Annual Symposium on Foundations …, 2014 -
In this paper we present a quantum algorithm solving the triangle finding problem in
unweighted graphs with query complexity Õ (n 5/4), where n denotes the number of vertices …