Fifty years have passed since the publication of the first regression tree algorithm. New techniques have added capabilities that far surpass those of the early methods. Modern …
Computer simulation experiments are essential to modern scientific discovery, whether that be in physics, chemistry, biology, epidemiology, ecology, engineering, etc. Surrogates are …
This paper presents a novel nonlinear regression model for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects, geared specifically towards situations with small effect sizes …
In any given machine learning problem, there may be many models that could explain the data almost equally well. However, most learning algorithms return only one of these …
We present the design and implementation of a custom discrete optimization technique for building rule lists over a categorical feature space. Our algorithm produces rule lists with …
In this article, we introduce the BART R package which is an acronym for Bayesian additive regression trees. BART is a Bayesian nonparametric, machine learning, ensemble …
Interpretable classifiers using rules and Bayesian analysis: Building a better stroke prediction model Page 1 The Annals of Applied Statistics 2015, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1350–1371 DOI …
When devising a course of treatment for a patient, doctors often have little quantitative evidence on which to base their decisions, beyond their medical education and published …
The concept of panarchy provides a framework that characterizes complex systems of people and nature as dynamically organized and structured within and across scales of …