A Varandas - Medievalista. Online, 2006 - journals.openedition.org
1 O Bestiário ou Livro das Bestas assume-se como uma obra singular no âmbito da literatura da Idade Média. Em primeiro lugar, por nele se descreverem várias espécies …
St Martin of Tours was a protector saint of numerous French kings. His was one of the most successful saintly cults in medieval Europe, and the city of Tours functioned as a religious …
C Van Duzer - Transactions of the American Philosophical …, 2010 - search.proquest.com
quite oñen a brief legend that is difficult to interpret on Schöner's globe is clarified by consulting the typically longer version on Waldseemuller's map. A few other other maps …
G Fishhof - Pictorial Languages and Their Meanings: Liber …, 2006 - academia.edu
The first lesson I attended at Tel Aviv University, almost a decade ago, was an introduction to Medieval Art, given by Professor Nurith Kenaan-Kedar. Her gripping lecture was for me the …
Abstract The Dominican Thomas of Cantimpré composed his Latin natural history encyclopedia in twenty books titled De natura rerum (On the Nature of Things) around 1245 …
F Vander Velden, X do Ororubá - … of the Horse. Budapest (HU): Trivent, 2020 - torrossa.com
The horse (Equus caballus Linnaeus 1758) was introduced to the Americas at the end of the fifteenth century: on his second transatlantic journey to the Caribbean, Christopher …
C Van Duzer - Geostorie. Bollettino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per …, 2012 - cisge.it
Sebbene agli occhi degli osservatori medievali e rinascimentali i mostri marini raffigurati nelle carte rappresentassero pericoli reali, per un osservatore moderno queste creature …
This dissertation investigates the zoological representation found in New World texts by early European explorers working for the Spanish Crown from 1492–1557 CE. It examines …
This thesis examines the correlation between the bestiary tradition—Physiologus and Bestiary—and images of medieval demons. It focuses primarily on manuscript and sculptural …