Recent experimental progress in nuclear halo structure studies

I Tanihata, H Savajols, R Kanungo - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2013 - Elsevier
Recent developments (since the last review in J. of Physics G by I. Tanihata in 1996 [1]) at
RIB facilities opened possibilities of detailed studies of halo nuclei. New facilities have been …

Direct reactions with exotic nuclei

PG Hansen, JA Tostevin - Annual Review of Nuclear and …, 2003 -
▪ Abstract The identification of direct-reaction processes and their subsequent exploitation
for the spectroscopy of weak radioactive beams of exotic nuclei are important problems in …

Energy levels of light nuclei A= 8, 9, 10

DR Tilley, JH Kelley, JL Godwin, DJ Millener… - Nuclear Physics A, 2004 - Elsevier
A review of the evidence on the properties of the nuclei A= 8, 9 and 10, with emphasis on
material leading to information about the structure of the A= 8, 9, 10 systems.

Energy levels of light nuclei A= 5, 6, 7

DR Tilley, CM Cheves, JL Godwin, GM Hale… - Nuclear Physics A, 2002 - Elsevier
A review of the evidence on the properties of the nuclei A= 5, 6 and 7, with emphasis on
material leading to information about the structure of the A= 5, 6, 7 systems.(References …

Light dripline nuclei

B Jonson - Physics Reports, 2004 - Elsevier
Experimental studies of light dripline nuclei are reviewed. Progress in the production of very
short lived nuclei and the development of radioactive nuclear beams has given this field the …

Quasifree Neutron Knockout Reaction Reveals a Small -Orbital Component in the Borromean Nucleus

ZH Yang, Y Kubota, A Corsi, K Yoshida, XX Sun, JG Li… - Physical review …, 2021 - APS
A kinematically complete quasifree (p, pn) experiment in inverse kinematics was performed
to study the structure of the Borromean nucleus B 17, which had long been considered to …

Unified ab initio approach to bound and unbound states: No-core shell model with continuum and its application to He

S Baroni, P Navrátil, S Quaglioni - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2013 - APS
We introduce a unified approach to nuclear bound and continuum states based on the
coupling of the no-core shell model (NCSM), a bound-state technique, with the no-core shell …

Ab Initio Description of the Exotic Unbound Nucleus

S Baroni, P Navrátil, S Quaglioni - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
The neutron-rich unbound He 7 nucleus has been the subject of many experimental
investigations. While the ground-state 3/2-resonance is well established, there is a …

Systematic investigation of the drip-line nuclei 11Li and 14Be and their unbound subsystems 10Li and 13Be

H Simon, M Meister, T Aumann, MJG Borge… - Nuclear Physics A, 2007 - Elsevier
Fragmentation reactions in a carbon target with beams of 11Li and 14Be at relativistic
energies have been studied in a kinematically complete experiment at the ALADIN-LAND …

Observation of the Exotic Cluster State in

ZH Yang, YL Ye, B Zhou, H Baba, RJ Chen, YC Ge… - Physical review …, 2023 - APS
We report here the first observation of the 0 2+ state of He 8, which has been predicted to
feature the condensatelike α+ n 2+ n 2 cluster structure. We show that this state is …