Foundations of garbled circuits

M Bellare, VT Hoang, P Rogaway - … of the 2012 ACM conference on …, 2012 -
Garbled circuits, a classical idea rooted in the work of Yao, have long been understood as a
cryptographic technique, not a cryptographic goal. Here we cull out a primitive …

Efficient garbling from a fixed-key blockcipher

M Bellare, VT Hoang, S Keelveedhi… - 2013 IEEE Symposium …, 2013 -
We advocate schemes based on fixed-key AES as the best route to highly efficient circuit-
garbling. We provide such schemes making only one AES call per garbled-gate evaluation …

Watermarking, tamper-proofing, and obfuscation-tools for software protection

CS Collberg, C Thomborson - IEEE Transactions on software …, 2002 -
We identify three types of attack on the intellectual property contained in software and three
corresponding technical defenses. A defense against reverse engineering is obfuscation, a …

Software engineering for security: a roadmap

PT Devanbu, S Stubblebine - Proceedings of the Conference on the …, 2000 -
Is there such a thing anymore as a software system that doesn't need to be secure? Almost
every softwarecontrolled system faces threats from potential adversaries, from Internet …

Protecting mobile agents against malicious hosts

T Sander, CF Tschudin - Mobile agents and security, 1998 - Springer
A key element of any mobile code based distributed system are the security mechanisms
available to protect (a) the host against potentially hostile actions of a code fragment under …

An efficient two-party quantum private comparison protocol with decoy photons and two-photon entanglement

YG Yang, QY Wen - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2009 -
Following some ideas of the quantum secret sharing (QSS) protocol (2008, Phys. Lett. A
372, 1957), we propose an efficient quantum private comparison (QPC) protocol for …

Non-interactive cryptocomputing for nc/sup 1

T Sander, A Young, M Yung - 40th Annual Symposium on …, 1999 -
The area of" computing with encrypted data" has been studied by numerous authors in the
past twenty years since it is fundamental to understanding properties of encryption and it has …

Efficient private bidding and auctions with an oblivious third party

C Cachin - Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Computer …, 1999 -
We describe a novel and efficient protocol for the following problem: A wants to buy some
good from B if the price is less than a. B would like to sell, but only for more than b, and …

Quantum algorithms for some hidden shift problems

W Van Dam, S Hallgren, L Ip - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2006 - SIAM
Almost all of the most successful quantum algorithms discovered to date exploit the ability of
the Fourier transform to recover subgroup structures of functions, especially periodicity. The …

Towards mobile cryptography

T Sander, CF Tschudin - … on Security and Privacy (Cat. No …, 1998 -
Mobile code technology has become a driving force for recent advances in distributed
systems. The concept of the mobility of executable code raises major security problems. In …