Physical-layer fingerprinting investigates how features extracted from radio signals can be used to uniquely identify devices. This paper proposes and analyses a novel methodology …
Deep learning methods have been very successful at radio frequency fingerprinting tasks, predicting the identity of transmitting devices with high accuracy. We study radio frequency …
Radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) is a promising physical layer protection technique which can be used to defend wireless networks from malicious attacks. It is based on the use …
Recently, network security has become a major challenge in communication networks. Most wireless networks are exposed to some penetrative attacks such as signal interception …
K Merchant, B Nousain - 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC …, 2019 -
A number of successful RF fingerprint classifiers have been demonstrated, but relatively few results evaluate the impact of changing the receiver used for training and inference. In this …
The detection of the transient signal plays a significant role in RF fingerprinting for transmitter devices. This paper proposes modifications on two transient signal detection …
Radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) could provide an efficient solution to address the security issues in wireless networks. The data acquisition system constitutes an important …
In modern wireless systems such as ZigBee, sensitive information which is produced by the network is transmitted through different wired or wireless nodes. Providing the requisites of …
For RF fingerprinting of wireless devices, data acquisition has a critical role. Because of this, highly sophisticated devices are used for data capturing or acquisition. In this paper, design …