Modelling approach for carbon emissions, energy consumption and economic growth: A systematic review

D Debone, VP Leite, SGEK Miraglia - Urban Climate, 2021 - Elsevier
Understanding the major driving forces of CO 2 emissions has become indispensable as the
challenges of climate change and adaptation become more widely recognized. This …

Do climate technology, financialization, and sustainable finance impede environmental challenges? Evidence from G10 economies

Q Li, A Sharif, A Razzaq, Y Yu - Technological forecasting and social …, 2022 - Elsevier
Climate technologies and sustainable finance are imperative to ensure green growth
agenda. Though there exists literature, however, little is known regarding the distinct …

Natural resource, globalization, urbanization, human capital, and environmental degradation in Latin American and Caribbean countries

SP Nathaniel, N Nwulu, F Bekun - Environmental Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
The world is increasingly getting urbanized and globalized, and the increase in natural
resource exploration could have a far-reaching impact on environmental quality. Since most …

The role of environmental entrepreneurship for sustainable development: evidence from 35 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

H Sun, AK Pofoura, IA Mensah, L Li… - Science of the Total …, 2020 - Elsevier
This research seeks to confirm the achievement of sustainable development in Sub-Sahara
Africa. In view of this, a panel of 35 Sub-Saharan Africa countries divided into two sub …

Can top-pollutant economies shift some burden through insurance sector development for sustainable development?

X Li, I Ozturk, S Ullah, Z Andlib, M Hafeez - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022 - Elsevier
Economists have long documented the significance of insurance markets in the
development process. This study considers the nonlinear impact of insurance sector …

The Relationship Between Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in EU Countries: A Cointegration Analysis

M Onofrei, AF Vatamanu, E Cigu - Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022 -
This paper explores the dynamics of the relationship between economic growth and CO2
emissions in the 27 EU member states in a panel setting for the period 2000–2017. We use …

Modeling CO2 emissions in South Africa: empirical evidence from ARDL based bounds and wavelet coherence techniques

TS Adebayo, JA Odugbesan - Environmental Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
The theme of this paper is to explore the interconnection between financial development,
real growth, and urbanization and CO 2 emissions using South Africa. The study used a …

Revisiting the EKC hypothesis in an emerging market: an application of ARDL-based bounds and wavelet coherence approaches

TS Adebayo - SN Applied Sciences, 2020 - Springer
This study aims to reexamine long-run and causal effects of trade openness, energy usage,
gross capital formation, and real growth on CO 2 emissions in Mexico utilizing recent …

Hierarchical modeling of the 50 largest economies to verify the impact of GDP, population and renewable energy generation in CO2 emissions

AK de Souza Mendonça, GAC Barni, MF Moro… - Sustainable Production …, 2020 - Elsevier
The use of fossil fuels for electricity generation is primarily responsible for global
greenhouse gas emissions. The increase in carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in recent …

Asymmetric causality among carbon emission from agriculture, energy consumption, fertilizer, and cereal food production–a nonlinear analysis for Pakistan

MA Koondhar, EN Udemba, Y Cheng, ZA Khan… - Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
Pakistan is an agricultural country where cereal crops are used as a staple food, but with
time trend cereal production is decreasing. Therefore, this study aims to investigate …