Ecosystem shifts in Alpine streams under glacier retreat and rock glacier thaw: A review

S Brighenti, M Tolotti, MC Bruno, G Wharton… - Science of the Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
This review provides a detailed synthesis of the effects of glacier retreat and permafrost thaw
on stream ecosystems in the European Alps. As a working framework, we present a …

Glacial stream ecosystems and epilithic algal communities under a warming climate

K Sudlow, SS Tremblay… - Environmental …, 2023 -
Climate change is accelerating the global loss of glaciers with potentially striking
consequences for downstream ecosystems. However, there exists limited evidence of the …

Substantial warming of Central European mountain rivers under climate change

GH Niedrist - Regional environmental change, 2023 - Springer
Water bodies around the world are currently warming with unprecedented rates since
observations started, but warming occurs highly variable among ecoregions. So far …

Water or sediment? Partitioning the role of water column and sediment chemistry as drivers of macroinvertebrate communities in an austral South African stream

T Dalu, RJ Wasserman, JD Tonkin, T Mwedzi… - Science of the total …, 2017 - Elsevier
Water pollution is a critical management issue, with many rivers and streams draining urban
areas being polluted by the disposal of untreated solid waste and wastewater discharge …

Real‐time warming of alpine streams:(re) defining invertebrates' temperature preferences

GH Niedrist, L Füreder - River Research and Applications, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The accelerating climate crisis intensifies environmental changes in high‐altitude
ecosystems worldwide, with rising air temperature among the main stressors. While past …

Disproportional vulnerability of mountain aquatic invertebrates to climate change effects

GH Niedrist, L Füreder - Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Mountain freshwater communities are generally considered sensible to accelerated climatic
changes, though their vulnerabilities have not been well evaluated. Individual species or …

[HTML][HTML] Energy status of chironomid larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from high alpine rivers (Tyrol, Austria)

M Dvorak, IL Dittmann, V Pedrini-Martha… - … and Physiology Part A …, 2023 - Elsevier
Chironomids (non-biting midges) inhabit almost every wet or semi-wet continental
environment on Earth with probably 10,000 different species. Species occurrence and …

Salinization of Alpine rivers during winter months

GH Niedrist, M Cañedo-Argüelles… - … Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Human-induced (ie, secondary) salinization affects aquatic biodiversity and
ecosystem functioning worldwide. While agriculture or resource extraction are the main …

Trophic ecology of alpine stream invertebrates: current status and future research needs

GH Niedrist, L Füreder - Freshwater Science, 2017 -
Community structures of benthic invertebrates in different alpine stream types have been
well documented and modeled against environmental conditions and change. However …

Environmental harshness mediates the quality of periphyton and chironomid body mass in alpine streams

GH Niedrist, M Cantonati, L Füreder - Freshwater science, 2018 -
Glacier retreat alters physical and chemical characteristics and biological communities of
glacier-fed streams. Functional relationships, including effects of different food-source …