This paper was aimed at examining the structure and expression of national identity among secondary school students (N= 568) in different towns in Serbia, its relation to self-esteem …
Everyone expects to live a serene peaceful and prosperous life. To achieve such state, one cannot be apart from being helpful cooperative, honest, charitable, and from sharing with …
There are limited valid and reliable tools which track change in the activity participation of adolescent mental health care users (MHCUs) during inpatient programmes. The Activity …
Циљ рада је био испитати структуру и израженост националног идентитета код средњошколаца (N= 568) у различитим градовима у Србији, његову повезаност са …
Sažetak Cilj rada je bio ispitati strukturu i izraženost nacionalnog identiteta kod srednjoškolaca (N= 568) u različitim gradovima u Srbiji, njegovu povezanost sa …
P Bhattacharya - adolescence (Hurlock, 2007), 2000 -
The main objective of the study was to predict the perception of home environment of adolescents on the bases of their emotional intelligence and social maturity. The sample …
Adolescence is a crucial period of transition from childhood to adulthood, in which significant changes occur in various domains, including physical and hormonal changes as a result of …
This project explores adolescent self-concept at a rural co-ed secondary school in Eastern Trinidad. Although the researcher employed empirical evidence to identify students' …