Film Genres in Hungarian and Romanian Cinema: History, Theory, and Reception discusses how the Hungarian and Romanian film industries show signs of becoming a …
E Burleigh - The New England Quarterly, 2013 -
This essay argues that Catharine Sedgwick's 1827 novel, Hope Leslie, posits an American identity forged in structurally incestuous families of siblings connected through a joint ethic of …
Through the prism of intimacy, Burleigh sheds light on eighteenth and early-nineteenth- century American texts. This insightful study shows how the trope of the family recurred to …
This dissertation explores the political nature of the incest taboo, with an analytical focus on its object of prohibition: incest. From the perspective of political philosophy, the incest taboo …
A Virginás - Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 2014 -
The article uses and revises to some extent Vivian Sobchack's categorization of (basically) American science-fiction output as “optimistic big-budget,”“wondrous middle-ground” and …