Lunar dust and dusty plasmas: Recent developments, advances, and unsolved problems

SI Popel, LM Zelenyi, AY Dubinskii - Planetary and Space Science, 2018 - Elsevier
A renaissance is being observed currently in investigations of the Moon. The Luna-25 and
Luna-27 missions are being prepared in Russia. At the same time, in connection with the …

Lunar dust: Properties and potential hazards

AV Zakharov, LM Zelenyi, SI Popel' - Solar System Research, 2020 - Springer
The surface of the Moon, like that of any airless body in the Solar System, constantly
experiences micrometeorite bombardment as well as the influence of solar radiation, solar …

Dust dynamics in the lunar dusty plasmas: Effects of magnetic fields and dust charge variations

SI Popel, AP Golub, AI Kassem, LM Zelenyi - Physics of Plasmas, 2022 -
The influence of the magnetic field of the Earth's magnetotail on dusty plasmas above the
sunlit surface of the Moon is studied. For this purpose, a physical-mathematical model for a …

[HTML][HTML] Lower-hybrid turbulence in the near-surface lunar dusty plasmas

SI Popel, AI Kassem, YN Izvekova, LM Zelenyi - Physics Letters A, 2020 - Elsevier
The results are presented of the first investigation of linear and nonlinear processes
associated with waves which are related to the presence of magnetic fields in dusty plasmas …

Dusty plasma at the Moon. Challenges of modeling and measurements

LM Zelenyi, SI Popel, AV Zakharov - Plasma Physics Reports, 2020 - Springer
A brief review is given of the dusty plasma near the surface of the Moon. Electrostatic
processes represent an important factor of formation of such plasma. Problems related to …

Impacts of fast meteoroids and the separation of dust particles from the surface of the Moon

SI Popel, AP Golub', EA Lisin, YN Izvekova… - JETP letters, 2016 - Springer
The possibility of the separation of dust particles owing to impacts of micrometeoroids on the
surface of the Moon has been discussed. It has been shown that this effect is significant and …

Wave processes during the interaction of the Earth's magnetotail with dusty plasma near the lunar surface

SI Popel, TI Morozova - Plasma Physics Reports, 2017 - Springer
The wave processes that take place under the interaction of the Earth's magnetosphere with
dusty plasma near the lunar surface are considered. It is shown that the waves can be …

On the Fluxes of Dust Particles Detected near the Lunar Surface by the Chang'e 3 Lander

AP Golub', SI Popel - Solar System Research, 2021 - Springer
We analyze the origin of dust particles in the near-surface layer of the Moon, the fluxes of
which were measured in the Chang'e 3 lunar mission carried out by the People's Republic of …

Impacts of fast meteoroids and a plasma–dust cloud over the lunar surface

SI Popel, AP Golub', LM Zelenyi, M Horányi - JETP Letters, 2017 - Springer
The possibility of the formation of a plasma–dust cloud in the exosphere of the Moon owing
to impacts of meteoroids on the lunar surface is discussed. Attention is focused on dust …

Лунная пыль: свойства, потенциальная опасность

АВ Захаров, ЛМ Зеленый, СИ Попель - Астрономический вестник …, 2020 -
Поверхность Луны, как и поверхность любого безатмосферного тела Солнечной
системы, подвержено постоянной бомбардировке микрометеоритов, а также …