This dissertation explores tourism destination branding as a relatively novel concept in tourism theory and practice, and its influence on tourism destination competitiveness. It is …
SM Milošević, D Perić, M Vujinović - Tims. Acta: naučni časopis …, 2020 -
Sažetak U ovom radu se razmatraju stavovi lokalnog stanovništva prema uticaju turizma na turističku destinaciju Palić. Istraživanjem uloge i značaja lokalnog stanovništva u proces …
Sažetak Protected areas of nature have a long history, and during this century there has been a significant increase in the number and species of them. The reason for this is an …
Sažetak Koliko je turizam važan segment gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske (u daljnjem tekstu RH), pa tako i Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije (u daljnjem tekstu Županija) …
K Bučar, A Perković - 2022 -
Tourism in recent decades is one of the fastest growing economic activities in the world and very often an important driver of the economy at the global, national, regional and local …
S Milošević, D Perić, M Vujinović - TIMS. Acta, 2020 -
This paper discusses the attitudes of the local population towards the impact of tourism on the tourist destination Palić. By researching the role and the importance of the local …
Zaštićena područja prirode imaju dugu povijest, a tijekom ovoga stoljeća dolazi do značajnog povećanja broja i vrsta. Razlog tome je povećanje svijesti ljudi o prirodnim …
MP Prodan - Economic and Social Development: Book of …, 2018 -
In order to establish a high quality tourist experience and create the ideal destination product, it is important to ensure a good collaboration between stakeholders, especially …