In many databases, biocuration primarily involves literature curation, which usually involves retrieving relevant articles, extracting information that will translate into annotations and …
A vast amount of scientific information is encoded in natural language text, and the quantity of such text has become so great that it is no longer economically feasible to have a human …
Background Many biomedical relation extraction systems are machine-learning based and have to be trained on large annotated corpora that are expensive and cumbersome to …
Text mining services are rapidly becoming a crucial component of various knowledge management pipelines, for example in the process of database curation, or for exploration …
The mutual interactions among genes, diseases, and drugs are at the heart of biomedical research, and are especially important for the pharmacological industry. The recent trend …
Biological curation, or biocuration, is often studied from the perspective of creating and maintaining databases that have the goal of mapping and tracking certain areas of biology …
Given the current explosion of data within original publications generated in the field of genomics, a recognized bottleneck is the transfer of such knowledge into comprehensive …
In this article, we describe the architecture of the OntoGene Relation mining pipeline and its application in the triage task of BioCreative 2012. The aim of the task is to support the triage …
Biomedical literature curation is the process of automatically and/or manually deriving knowledge from scientific publications and recording it into specialized databases for …