Identifying indigenous practices for cultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms: responding to the need for sustainable utilization of natural resources

D Wendiro, AP Wacoo, G Wise - Journal of Ethnobiology and …, 2019 - Springer
Background Due to increasing pressure on natural resources, subsistence agriculture
communities in Uganda and Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing increasingly restricted …

Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal mushroom cultivation-constraints and opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa

A Mlambo, M Maphosa - Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Mushrooms have a long history of cultivation, dating back to 600 AD. However, most edible
mushroom species worldwide are still gathered from the wild, a practice which is …

Pleurotus spp: an ultimate solution to the emerging calamities of the world

A Ghafoor, AR Niazi - New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Pleurotus, a significant contributor, offers a comprehensive solution to malnutrition, food
insecurity, health issues, unemployment, and ecological imbalances. Pleurotus species are …

Evaluation of the carbon dioxide production by fungi under different growing conditions

M Pavlík, P Fleischer, P Fleischer, M Pavlík… - Current …, 2020 - Springer
Production of carbon dioxide, as one of the ultimate products of fungal metabolism, can be
used to quantify and measure their metabolic rate under different conditions, thus aiding in …

Effect of locally available substrates on the mineral and bioactive compounds of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus).

E Akurut - 2024 -
Oyster mushrooms are recognized for its potential to address malnutrition and other health
issues due to its rich nutritional content. They are typically cultivated above the ground on …

[PDF][PDF] „Nové možnosti využívania húb človekom v pôdohospodárstve “Využívanie húb

M Pavlík, M Golian, A Pavlíková, P Hlaváč -
Pod skupinou organizmov, ktorú nazývame „huby “myslíme tú skupinu organizmov, ktoré
zaraďujeme do ríše húb–Fungi. K hubám je v širšom chápaní priraďovaných aj niekoľko …

[PDF][PDF] „Nové možnosti využívania húb človekom v pôdohospodárstve “Pestovanie húb

M Pavlík, M Golian, A Pavlíková, P Hlaváč -
Huby sú vo svete už po stáročia cenené kvôli ich dobrej chuti a výživnej hodnote. V
niektorých krajinách je tradícia zberu a využívania húb neoddeliteľnou súčasťou života a …

Identifying indigenous practices forcultivation of wild saprophytic mushrooms: responding to the need for sustainableutilization of natural resources

D Wendiro, AP Wacoo, G Wise - 2019 -
Background: Due to increasing pressure on natural resources, subsistence agriculture
communities in Uganda and Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing increasingly restricted …


M Hrasko, P Mitter, V Kohút - … Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 2017 -
Growing a healthy, stable and quality forest stands while using their products in the most
effective way possible is the primary aim of every forest manager, as well as the forest's …