CT Wolfe - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2010 - JSTOR
The category" organism" has an ambiguous status: is it scientific or is it philosophical? Or, if one looks at it from within the relatively recent field or sub-field of philosophy of biology, is it …
Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene: A Postcolonial Critique explores European and Western imaginaries of natural disaster, mass migration and terrorism through a …
To call something'monstrueux'in the mid-sixteenth century is, more often than not, to wonder at its enormous size: it is to call to mind something like a whale. By the late seventeenth' …
This book visits the'Thing'in its various manifestations as an unnameable monster in literature and film, reinforcing the idea that the very essence of the monster is its excess and …
The close interdependency of animal emissaries and new media from early European colonial encounters with the exotic to today's proliferation of animals in digital networks …
A Torrano - Ágora. Papeles de filosofía, 2015 - revistas.usc.gal
El artículo indaga la noción de monstruo a partir de los desarrollos de Georges Canguilhem y Michel Foucault. Canguilhem se centra en los estudios teratológicos, donde la …
M Tesar, M Koro-Ljungberg - … : Studies in the Cultural Politics of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Strangers, Gods, and monsters are all names for the experience of alterity and otherness within and amongst us. We need monsters in our lives. In this paper we use philosophy as a …
A brief foray into a moral thicket, exploring why we should protect nature despite tsunamis, malaria, bird flu, cancer, killer asteroids, and tofu. Most of us think that in order to be …
The present volume advances a recent historiographical turn towards the intersection of early modern philosophy and the life sciences by bringing together many of its leading …