RM Lima, RL Salcedo, D Barbosa - Chemical engineering science, 2006 - Elsevier
A methodology to improve the efficiency of stochastic methods applied to the optimization of chemical processes with a large number of equality constraints is presented. The …
This study aims to illustrate a sequence that optimizes the flight-path trajectory for a hybridelectric aircraft at mission level, in addition to identifying the respective optimum …
EC Ferreira, R Salcedo - Computer Applications in Engineering …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Practicing engineers resort to modular simulators or to algebraic tools such as GAMS or AMPL for performing complex process optimizations. These tools, however, have a …
This study aims to illustrate a sequence that optimizes the flight-path trajectory for a hybrid- electric propulsion system at mission level, in addition to identifying the respective optimum …
SIMOP (SIMulation for OPtimization) is an application that automatically creates FORTRAN simulation models for the stochastic optimizers MSGA and MSIMPSA. This paper presents …
EC Ferreira, R Salcedo - Chemical Engineering, 2001 - Citeseer
The sequence we programmed for the order of solution is shown in Table 2. In addition to the data, there are five convenient decision variables [N, T2, T, W4, A1], since this produces …
An optimized strategy for simulation and optimization of steady-state processes, under an equation-oriented environment, is presented. Equation-oriented environments apply a …
A optimização não-linear é um ramo de crescente relevância dentro da Engenharia de Processo. O advento de computadores acessíveis e com bom desempenho tem permitido …
J Jeżowski, G Poplewski, A Jeżowska - Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 2003 - infona.pl
Przedstawiono stochastyczną metodę optymalizacji według strategii symulowanego wyżarzania (SW). WI części opisano procedurę optymalizacyjną opartą na zastosowaniu …