We study how different forms of communication influence inflation expectations in a randomized controlled trial using nearly 20,000 US individuals. We elicit individuals' inflation …
Using evidence from four major central banks, we decompose news conveyed by central- bank communication into news about monetary policy (monetary news), as well as non …
We review and assess the monetary policy framework currently used by the Federal Reserve, with special focus on policies that operate through the slope of the term structure …
J Meaning, B Dyson, J Barker, E Clayton - 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper discusses central bank digital currency (CBDC) and its potential impact on the monetary transmission mechanism. We first offer a general definition of CBDC which should …
KN Kuttner - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018 - aeaweb.org
Abstract In November 2008, the Federal Reserve faced a deteriorating economy and a financial crisis. The federal funds rate had already been reduced to virtually zero. Thus, the …
We survey the growing literature emphasizing the role that supply and demand forces play in shaping the term structure of interest rates. Our starting point is the Vayanos and Vila …
We develop a model in which specialized bond investors must absorb shocks to the supply and demand for long-term bonds in two currencies. Since long-term bonds and foreign …
We compare causal effects of forward guidance about future interest rates on households' expectations of inflation and nominal mortgage rates to the effects of communication about …
21st Century Monetary Policy takes readers inside the Federal Reserve, explaining what it does and why. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve deployed an …