Investigates how small groups-households and local communities-constitute and represent their social identity by ordering the landscape in which they dwell. The author develops a …
Sinds een aantal jaren wordt in de Nederlandse archeologie gewerkt volgens het 'Verdrag van Valletta'dat in 1992 door de Europese lidstaten is ondertekend op het eiland Malta. Het …
This paper is a plea for the rehabilitation of the concept of Romanisation in the discussion about socio-cultural change resulting from the confrontation of (proto-) historical peoples …
De vaak honderden aardewerkfragmenten die in Oss-Ussen werden aangetroffen in waterputten, kuilen, greppels en huisplattegronden vormden het aangrijpingspunt voor een …
“The story of a Roman Emperor that might have been”(Fighting Times). Germanicus was regarded by many Romans as a hero in the mold of Alexander the Great. His untimely death …
This book is the final result of a research programme that started in 1992. I started writing fairly soon after that, and I wrote it pretty much in the form and sequence which it has now …
N Roymans, J Aarts - Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries, 2009 -
The introduction of money in the form of standardised objects of value made of metal and bearing images marked a new phenomenon in the pre-Roman societies of Western and …
C Haselgrove - The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), 2005 - JSTOR
For many decades, discussion of the function of Iron Age coinage has rested heavily on analogies with early state societies in the Mediterranean, supported by the few references to …
G Woolf - Archaeological dialogues, 2002 -
This paper sets out to examine issues of continuity and change in the social hierarchies of the peoples of the Gallic interior, between the late Iron Age and the early Roman period …