Three years of studies on some Indian Himalayan rivers in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Sikkim revealed the presence of Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M …
As a result of the performed investigations, it has been found that in all the studied water bodies of Kiev and on all the studied species of higher aquatic plants regardless of their …
S Krstic, Z Svircev, Z Levkov… - International journal on …, 2007 -
In light of WFD (Water Framework Directive) guidelines for freshwater monitoring, this paper addresses the suggested organisms to be used in regular biomonitoring systems. Based on …
ABSTRACT New association Cocconeo placentulae-Melosiretum variantis, including two subassociations, was described as a result of the performed cenological analysis of …
ML Campbell - All Oceans Ecology, Melbourne, 2005 - Citeseer
Table 3. Lower Waiau River: main periphyton taxa encountered at each of the three sampling sites for the entire monitoring programme (1993-2005), and at a control site in the …
Data on the species composition and seasonal dynamics of epiphytic diatom assemblages in six hydrogenic lakes located within the territory of Kiev are given for the first time. The …
Установлено, что во всех обследованных водоемах г. Киева и на всех видах высших водных растений, независимо от их принадлежности к определенной экологической …
ТФ Шевченко - Гидробиол. журн, 2004 -
Исследование, мониторинг и охрана биологического разнообразия приобретают все большую актуальность [12—15, 27, 28, 32, 38]. Важнейшими задачами являются …
The ecological and floristic approach to the classification of vegetation by the method of Braun-Blanquet was used in studies of communities of periphytic algae occurring in the …