Large language models are better than theoretical linguists at theoretical linguistics, at least in the domain of verb argument structure; explaining why (for example), we can say both The …
How do speakers avoid producing verb overgeneralization errors such as* She covered paint onto the wall or* She poured the cup with water? Five previous papers have found …
Children overgeneralise verbs to ungrammatical structures early in acquisition, but retreat from these overgeneralisations as they learn semantic verb classes. In a large corpus of …
We used a multi-method approach to investigate how children avoid (or retreat from) argument structure overgeneralisation errors (eg,* You giggled me). Experiment 1 …
A central goal of research into language acquisition is explaining how, when learners generalize to new cases, they appropriately restrict their generalizations (eg, to avoid …
B Ambridge, S Brandt - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2013 -
A central challenge for learners of English is discovering verbs' argument structure privileges; for example which verbs may appear in the figure-locative but not the ground …
A central question in language acquisition is how children build linguistic representations that allow them to generalize verbs from one construction to another (eg, The boy gave a …
A central issue in language acquisition is the contribution of input to the development of linguistic knowledge. In this dissertation project, I investigate the developmental trajectories …