In many countries around the world, demographic and civilization changes have brought about the phenomenon of aging societies. This phenomenon affects the economy …
The purpose of the article is to combine two different products: critical illness insurance and reverse annuity contract. Such a combination of different categories of payments arising from …
We model the probabilistic structure and cash flows arising from marriage reverse annuity contracts in the case of the joint-life status and the last surviving status. In contrast to the …
The purpose of the paper is applying the generalized model of reversionary annuity to determine the benefit of marriage reverse annuity contracts and reverse mortgages. First of …
An ageing European population and, therefore, a rising dependency ratio of retirees to the working population, strongly suggests that a pension funding gap will be a key social issue …
A Marciniuk - Studia Ekonomiczne, 2016 -
Społeczeństwo żyje coraz dłużej, a znaczny spadek umieralności w stosunku do lat 60.-70. XX wieku obserwuje się u osób w wieku emerytalnym. Emerytura z tytułu ubezpieczeń …
A Marciniuk - Śląski Przegląd Statystyczny, 2017 -
Renta hipoteczna oraz odwrócony kredyt hipoteczny umożliwiają właścicielowi nieruchomości otrzymywanie comiesięcznego świadczenia w zamian za przekazanie …
A Marciniuk - Prague Economic Papers, 2021 -
Equity release contracts allow property owners to receive a financial benefit in exchangefor surrendering their real estate to a company. The benefits depend on the life expectancyof …
J Dębickaa, S Heilperna, A Marciniuka - 2020 -
We model the probabilistic structure and cash flows arising from marriage reverse annuity contracts in the case of the joint-life status and the last surviving status. In contrast to the …