Corneal optic formed of degradation resistant polymer

TA Silvestrini - US Patent 7,976,577, 2011 - Google Patents
2,129,305 A 9, 1938 Feinbloom The mask optic may be formed from a material comprising a
2,714,721 A 8, 1955 Stone, Jr. highly fluorinated polymeric material and an opacification …

Method and apparatus for aligning a mask with the visual axis of an eye

TA Silvestrini, BA Christie, KF Hahnen… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
An apparatus is provided for aligning an implant with a visual axis of an eye of a patient. The
apparatus has an instrument with an instrument axis and an aperture through which the …

Polymeric compositions and related methods of use

PB Messersmith, X Fan, L Lin - US Patent 7,858,679, 2010 - Google Patents
US7858679B2 - Polymeric compositions and related methods of use - Google Patents
US7858679B2 - Polymeric compositions and related methods of use - Google Patents …

Inserting lenses into corneal epithelial pockets to improve vision

JC Marmo, A Back, GS Hollrigel - US Patent 7,828,844, 2010 - Google Patents
CA 2286718 CA 2227827 DE 1994.7711 EP O 387 975 EP 1530 600 B1 EP 1741. 457 A1
GB 1569 707 GB 2305608 WO WO 88, 02622 WO WO92, 14420 WO WO93, 07889 WO …

Masked intraocular implants and lenses

BA Christie, AN Kosmynine - US Patent 9,492,272, 2016 - Google Patents
Intraocular implants and methods of making intraocular implants are provided. The
intraocular implants can improve the vision of a patient, Such as by increasing the depth of …

Ocular mask having selective spectral transmission

AS Vilupuru, MD Christ - US Patent 9,545,303, 2017 - Google Patents
GO2C 702(2006.01) A mask is provided that is configured to increase the depth A6DF
9/04(2006.01) of focus of a patient. The mask can include an aperture A6 IB 3/10(2006.01) …

Corneal mask formed of degradation resistant polymer and providing reduced corneal deposits

T Silvestrini - US Patent App. 11/404,048, 2006 - Google Patents
Disclosed are masks configured to be implanted in a cornea of a patient. In one
embodiment, the body of the mask has a light transmitting portion, a light blocking portion …

Biomimetic modular adhesive complex: materials, methods and applications therefore

PB Messersmith, HHL Lee, BP Lee - US Patent 8,563,117, 2013 - Google Patents
Nano-scale or micro-scale adhesive structures comprising an array of nano-fabricated,
pillars, the pillars having coated upon, or having disposed on a working surface thereof, a …

Biomimetic compounds and synthetic methods therefor

BP Lee - US Patent 7,622,533, 2009 - Google Patents
5,197,973 A 3/1993 Pang et a1.(57) ABSTRACT 5,202,236 A 4/1993 Maugh et a1.
5,202,256 A 4/1993 Maugh et a1. 5,225,196 A 7/1993 RobinsOn Synthesis methods for …

Corneal inlay with nutrient transport structures

B Christie, EW Peterson, C van de Pol - US Patent 9,427,311, 2016 - Google Patents
Corneal inlays and masks and methods of improving vision of a patient with corneal inlays
and masks are provided. Masks with an aperture can improve the vision of a patient, Such …