The tale of the combat between the Storm-god and the Sea that began circulating in the early second millennium BCE was one of the most well-known ancient Near Eastern myths …
This book investigates the transmission of Sumerian literature to Syria and Anatolia (ie the Western periphery) during the Late Bronze Age. Sumerian is the most ancient language so …
Franz Köchers standard work on Babylonian and Assyrian medicine, which was designed to provide copies of the texts with translation and commentary, had remained unfinished at his …
This book initiates the reader into the study of Akkadian literature from ancient Babylonia and Assyria. With this one relatively short volume, the novice reader will develop the literary …
In Early Mesopotamian Divination Literature: Its Organizational Framework and Generative and Paradigmatic Characteristics, Abraham Winitzer provides a detailed study of the …
U Steinert - The Comparable Body-Analogy and Metaphor in …, 2018 -
This chapter investigates metaphors and concepts associated with the female reproductive body in gynecological texts from 2nd and 1st millennium BCE Mesopotamia, focusing on …
This volume opens up new perspectives on Babylonian and Assyrian literature, through the lens of a pivotal passage in the Gilgamesh Flood story. It shows how, using a nine-line …
The creation of the Library of Alexandria is widely regarded as one of the great achievements in the history of humankind-a giant endeavour to amass all known literature …
The name of the book, New Mathematical Cuneiform Texts, is not entirely truthful. Many of the texts considered are really published here for the first time, but several others were …