This paper is devoted to study the asymptotic behavior of a binary mixture problem of solids with fractional damping and sources terms. We prove the existence of global attractors with …
This paper investigates Cauchy problems of nonlinear parabolic equation with a Caputo fractional derivative. When the initial datum is sufficiently small in some appropriate spaces …
FDM Bezerra, LA Santos - Journal of Differential Equations, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider approximations of a class of third order linear evolution equations in time governed by fractional powers. We explicitly calculate the fractional powers of …
We consider non-autonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in a bounded smooth domain and time-dependent forcing that models …
In this paper we study the abstract semilinear parabolic problem of the form du/dt+ Au= ƒ (u), as the limit of the corresponding fractional approximations du/dt+ A< sup> α u= ƒ (u), in a …
In this paper, we consider the porous medium equation and establish a relationship between its Kompanets–Zel'dovich–Barenblatt solution u (xd, t), xd∈ R d, t> 0 and random …
Our goal is to study fractional powers of a cascade system of partial differential equations. We explicitly calculate the fractional powers of linear operators associated to this type of …
In this paper, we study the long-time behavior of a nonlinear coupled system of wave equations with damping terms and subjected to small perturbations of autonomous external …
A kind of nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations on an unbounded domain containing a fractional Laplacian operator is analyzed. To be precise, we prove the convergence of …