Prudentius (b. 348 ce), one of the greatest Latin poets of late antiquity, was also a devoted Christian. His allegorical masterpiece, Psychomachia, combines epic language and …
A canon is a collection of sacred books. A rule of faith is a concise statement of Christian beliefs. The Hebrew (Jewish) canon (the Christian Old Testament) comprised three parts …
S Fernández - Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 2023 -
El artículo estudia el papel que jugó Eusebio de Cesarea en las discusiones teológicas del sínodo de Nicea. Para ello, examina la condena de Eusebio de Cesarea en el sínodo de …
This is the second volume in a series of commentaries on Augustine's City of God (De civitate Dei). Books 6-10 are Augustine's answer to those who think that many gods should …
The study of the growth of early Christian intellectual life is of perennial interest to scholars. This volume advances discussion by exploring ways in which Christian writers in the second …
To reflect upon and narrate the “State” of Patristic Studies seems to be, nay, is a daunting and near-impossible task. The sheer volume of material (primary and secondary sources) …
At first glance, Augustine did not combine his soteriology and his Trinitarian doctrine in his anti-Pelagian oeuvre. Therefore, this article pursues the more hidden and implicit …
Que cherche-t-on à savoir quand on vous demande si vous êtes croyant? La question se satisferait d'un «oui» ou d'un «non». Que veut-on alors? Que l'autre fasse une confession …
T Bokedal, L Jansen, M Borowski - Scripture and Theology: Historical …, 2023 -
The chapter sets the stage for the volume by describing the state of the art and the particular contribution of the present book. The opening paragraphs outline the history of the …