We calculate exact zero-temperature real-space properties of a substitutional magnetic impurity coupled to the edge of a zigzag silicenelike nanoribbon. Using a Lanczos …
We study the electronic structure of finite armchair graphene nanoribbons using density- functional theory and the Hubbard model, concentrating on the states localized at the zigzag …
The topological phases of graphene with spin-orbit coupling, an exchange field, and a staggered-sublattice potential determine the properties of the edge states of the zigzag …
Electronic states at the ends of a narrow armchair nanoribbon give rise to a pair of nonlocally entangled spins. We propose two experiments to probe these magnetic states …
We examine the magnetic correlations in quantum spin models that were derived recently as effective low-energy theories for electronic correlation effects on the edge states of graphene …
It has been proposed that interactions lead to ferromagnetism on a zigzag edge of a graphene sheet. While not yet directly studied experimentally, dramatically improving …
The electronic and spintronic properties of the monovacancies in freestanding and isotopically compressed graphene are investigated using hybrid exchange density …
We study the dynamics of an electron spin in a graphene quantum dot, which is interacting with a bath of less than ten nuclear spins via the anisotropic hyperfine interaction. Due to …
Friedel oscillations of the graphene-like materials are investigated theoretically for low and intermediate Fermi energies. Numerical calculations have been performed within the …