Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate how decoupled direct payments, paid to farm operators based on historical yields and base acreage, may lead to production …
Problematyka modeli biznesu na przestrzeni ostatniego dziesięciolecia stała się bardzo popularna zarówno w świecie praktyków jak i teoretyków biznesu [Osterwalder i in. 2005] …
This study analyses the effects of US farm payments on the structure of agriculture and economic growth in farm-dependent non-metro counties between 1992 and 2002. In …
The use of agricultural decoupled support has increased as World Trade Organization (WTO) member nations implement less trade distortive policies. However, the true …
Over the last decade, growth rate of Indian agriculture had been declining and it is a matter of serious concern for all those stakeholders associated with agriculture. In order to meet the …