DA Showler - … . org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Uzbekistan …, 2018 - lacerta.de
Taxonomy dependent, four amphibian (three toads and a frog) and 57 reptile species (a tortoise, 36 lizards and 20 snakes) appear confirmed as occurring within the Republic of …
ABSTRACT Desert Monitor, Varanus griseus (Daudin, 1803), has limited distribution in Turkey and is poorly studied. In this study, the current status of the species and potential …
Objective: Snakes are among the predators of any ecosystem and have been seen in different parts of Iran. The report on their distribution in Isfahan province was taken into …
E Shernazarov, F Jumayev - E3S Web of Conferences, 2021 - e3s-conferences.org
The diversity of herpetofauna in the natural ecosystem of the southwestern part of Kyzylkum has been studied quite deeply. In recent decades, vast desert areas have been developed …
G Zokirova, S Yo'ldashev - Farg'ona davlat universiteti, 2023 - journal.fdu.uz
Tadqiqotning maqsadi Markaziy Farg 'ona gerpetofaunasining xilma-xilligini o 'rganish va tarqalish arealini hududlar kesimida tahlil qilishdan iborat. Maqolada Markaziy Farg 'ona …
Üç tarafı denizlerle çevrili olan ülkemiz, farklı iklim kuĢaklarını ve her biri kendine özgü türlere ve doğal ekosisteme sahip üç farklı biyocoğrafik bölgeyi bünyesinde barındırması …
G Zokirova, S Yo'ldashev - Farg'ona davlat universiteti, 2023 - journal.fdu.uz
Farg 'ona viloyatining Yozyovon hududi gerpitofaunasini o 'rganish maqsadida olib borilgan kuzatish va tadqiqotlar shuni ko 'rsatdiki, bioxilma-xillikka boy bo 'lgan O 'zbekiston sudralib …
E Common Names, ST Agama - reptile-database.reptarium.cz
Diagnosis Diagnosis:“Vor den anderen Arten der Gattung durch deutliche querverlaufende Hautfalten im Hals-Nackenbereich ausgezeichnet. Unterscheidet sich von P. mystaceus und …
E Common Names, D Snake - reptile-database.reptarium.cz
Diagnosis Diagnosis: Maxillary teeth 6-9, two longer than others and separated from them by an interval; palatine teeth 3-5; pterygoid teeth 0-3; eyes rather small, with circular pupils; …