This book tells the history of the changing gendered landscapes of northern Mozambique from the perspective of women who fought in the armed struggle for national independence …
Etnografisessa tutkimuksessa on läsnä monenlaisia tunteita, empatiaa ja myötätuntoa, jotka vaikuttavat läpi koko tutkimusprosessin. Ne kietoutuvat siihen, miten kohtaamme ihmisiä …
Across the globe, desires for independence and robust national identifications are tied to cultural differences and memories of ancestral sovereignty. In European countries like Italy …
Modern warfare is a unique cultural phenomenon. While many conflicts in history have produced dramatic shifts in human behaviour, the industrialized nature of modern war …
The so-called Lapland War between Finland and Germany at the end of the Second World War led to a mass-scale destruction of Lapland. Both local Finnish residents and the …
Global Social Archaeologies contributes to the active engagement of contemporary social archaeology through addressing issues such as postcolonialism, community heritage, and …
This book probes into how communities and social groups construct their understanding of the world through real and imagined experiences of place. The book seeks to connect the …
During World War II, about 70,000 Finnish children were evacuated to Sweden and other Nordic countries to stay in foster homes to ease the situation of Finnish families. In this …
A Kajander, E Koskinen-Koivisto - Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja, 2021 -
Esineet ja materiaalisuus ovat tärkeitä tutkimuskohteita useilla tieteenaloilla, esimerkiksi arkeologiassa, antropologiassa ja sosiologiassa. Omalla tieteenalallamme etnologiassa …