Precision agriculture requires appropriate characters of human resources to implement it. It is an integrated agricultural system based on information and production to increase …
Endophytic fungi play an important role on mangrove growth and development, however research on the endophytic fungi of the mangrove Rhizophora apiculata is limited. The …
Weeds are a major problem in crop cultivation, either in food crops, horticulture, plantations or forests and cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of production. Weed biocontrol …
D Santoso, D Murdianto - Budapest International Research and …, 2022 -
The agricultural sector is a sector supporting economy and welfare of many people in Indonesia. The direction of life development of Indonesian people themselves has been …
Tanaman mangga dapat tumbuh dengan optimal jika ditanam pada lingkungan yang sesuai, namun akan terhambat jika terdapat faktor penghambat pertumbuhannya. Gulma …
Paddy rice is the main food crop in Indonesia because rice is the primary food source of the Indonesian people. However, it faces obstacles caused, among others, by the presence of …
Weeds was plants that interfere with cultivated plants. The aim of this research was to identify the diversity and dominance of weeds on Citrus (Citrus sp.) in medium land of Garut …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman gulma pada tanaman padi lokal dengan pengairan berselang dan konvensional, mendapatkan jenis gulma yang dominan …
E Rahmawati, SB Sulistyo, K Wijaya - Journal of Agricultural and …, 2020 -
Stroberi merupakan tanaman buah yang sudah banyak di budidayakan di Indonesia terutama di daerah dataran tinggi. Kecukupan nutrisi tanaman stroberi sangat berpengaruh …