IN Pigarev - Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2014 - Springer
This review addresses studies seeking experimental confirmation of the author's visceral theory of sleep, along with independent investigations whose results are consistent with this …
IN Pigarev, ML Pigareva - Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2012 - Springer
This review discusses data from experimental studies and population observations providing evidence that impairments to the natural sleep regime and decreases in the total …
ИН Пигарев, МЛ Пигарева - Физиология человека, 2013 -
Общеизвестно, что сон связан с сенсорной изоляцией мозга, отключением сознания и изменениями электрической активности во всех зонах коры больших полушарий. В то …
IN Pigarev, ML Pigareva - Human Physiology, 2013 - Springer
It is known that sleep is connected with sensory isolation of the brain, inactivation of the consciousness and reorganization of the electrical activity in all cerebral cortical areas. On …