The mediating role of firm strategy in the relationship between green entrepreneurship, green innovation, and competitive advantage: the case of medium and large …

M Skordoulis, G Kyriakopoulos, S Ntanos, S Galatsidas… - Sustainability, 2022 -
The present research examines both the relationship between green innovation and green
entrepreneurship and the mediating role of firm strategies in the relationship between green …

Methods for analyzing multivariate phenotypes in genetic association studies

Q Yang, Y Wang - Journal of probability and statistics, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Multivariate phenotypes are frequently encountered in genetic association studies. The
purpose of analyzing multivariate phenotypes usually includes discovery of novel genetic …

[图书][B] Sample size determination and power

TP Ryan - 2013 -
A comprehensive approach to sample size determination and power with applications for a
variety of fields Sample Size Determination and Power features a modern introduction to the …

G* Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences

F Faul, E Erdfelder, AG Lang, A Buchner - Behavior research methods, 2007 - Springer
Abstract G* Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-
alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral …

GLIMMPSE: online power computation for linear models with and without a baseline covariate

SM Kreidler, KE Muller, G Grunwald… - Journal of statistical …, 2013 -
GLIMMPSE is a free, web-based software tool that calculates power and sample size for the
general linear multivariate model with Gaussian errors (http://glimmpse. SampleSizeShop …

[图书][B] Linear and nonlinear models for the analysis of repeated measurements

E Vonesh, VM Chinchilli - 1996 -
Integrates the latest theory, methodology and applications related to the design and analysis
of repeated measurement. The text covers a broad range of topics, including the analysis of …

Sample size estimation for longitudinal designs with attrition: comparing time-related contrasts between two groups

D Hedeker, RD Gibbons… - Journal of Educational …, 1999 -
Formulas for estimating sample sizes are presented to provide specified levels of power for
tests of significance from a longitudinal design allowing for subject attrition. These formulas …

[图书][B] Saddlepoint approximations with applications

RW Butler - 2007 -
Modern statistical methods use complex, sophisticated models that can lead to intractable
computations. Saddlepoint approximations can be the answer. Written from the user's point …

Long-term rainfall prediction using atmospheric synoptic patterns in semi-arid climates with statistical and machine learning methods

J Diez-Sierra, M Del Jesus - Journal of Hydrology, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of 8 statistical and machine learning methods,
driven by atmospheric synoptic patterns, for long-term daily rainfall prediction in a semi-arid …

Multivariate analysis of variance.

RF Haase, MV Ellis - Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1987 -
We provide an expository presentation of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for
both consumers of research and investigators by capitalizing on its relation to univariate …