Heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations of the growth intensity and meat yield of pigs

Č Radović, M Petrović, B Živković… - Biotechnology in …, 2013 - aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs
The five year study included two genotypes of gilts of performance tested gilts, Swedish
landrace and crosses F1 generation SLxLY. Of total number (n= 3600), 1709 animals were …

[PDF][PDF] Fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost osobina kvaliteta polutki i mesa

M Petroviü, M Pušiü, D Radojkoviü… - Biotechnology in Animal …, 2006 - academia.edu
Apstrakt: Ispitivanje fenotipske i genetske varijabilnosti osobina kvaliteta polutki i pH
vrednosti M. semimembranosusa je obavljeno u 997 tovljenika koji su vodili poreklo od 20 …

Variation of traits of fatteners under the impact of various factors

M Gogić, M Petrović, Č Radović… - Biotechnology in …, 2014 - aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the sire breed, sire within sire breed,
genotype of fatteners, gender of fatteners, gender within sire breed, season of birth of …

The effect of breed, sire and sex on the quality of carcass sides

M Petrović, M Pušić, DD Radojković… - … in Animal Husbandry, 2006 - r.istocar.bg.ac.rs
Investigation of quality variability of pig carcass was carried out on 1443 fatlings (gilts and
barrows). They were progenies of 22 (Farm A) and 12 sires (Farm B), 5 breeds-crossbreds …

Effect of different genotypes, sires and season of slaughtering on slaughter traits of pigs

Č Radović, M Petrović, S Josipović… - … in Animal Husbandry, 2003 - doiserbia.nb.rs
The effect of different genotypes, sires and season on age at slaughtering mass of warm
carcass sides, fat thickness measured on three points (withers back, rump) and percentage …

[PDF][PDF] Phenotypic and genetic variability of quality traits of pig carcass sides and meat

ČR Radović - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The aim of this study was to determine the phenotypic and genetic variability of carcass and
meat quality traits in offspring of three purebred sires (SL-Swedish Landrace, LW-Large …

[PDF][PDF] Utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika i genotipa na svojstva iz performans testa nerastova na području Vojvodine

M Mirkov, D Škorput, I Radović, L Štrbac, S Trivunović - researchgate.net
Sažetak Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati prosječne vrijednosti i varijabilnosti svojstava
iz performans testa nerastova: dnevni prirast (DP), debljina leđne slanine (DLS), debljina …


M Mijatović, M Petrović, D Radojković… - Biotechnology in Animal …, 2006 - istocar.bg.ac.rs
Sedmogodišnja istraživanja su obavljena u Stanici za ispitivanje proizvodnih sposobnosti
svinja, PK» Beograd «u Padinskoj Skeli. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 738 grla tri …

The effect of sires on fenotypic variability of productive traits of performance tested boars

M Mijatović, M Petrović, D Radojković… - Biotechnology in Animal …, 2005 - doiserbia.nb.rs
The main objective of this study was to investigate the importance of the sires effect on
fenotypic variability of production traits of performance tested boars of Large White …

National program on biotechnologies and agro industry: Program for improving livestock production and products of animal origin: The study on the project titled …

M Petrović, D Radivojević, GN Vukelić… - … in Animal Husbandry, 2004 - scindeks.ceon.rs
The object of this research-developmental project is the production of quality pig halves. By
the application of various methods of selection and breeding along with optimal conditions …