R Jemli, N Chtourou - Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023 - Springer
In economics, several theories have focused on the study of decisions made by economic agents. Recent branches in economics have even revealed some controversies with the …
AA Ambroziak - International Journal of Management and Economics, 2022 - sciendo.com
Lockdowns imposed by the European Union (EU) Member States produced significant consequences in the form of losses to companies, which is why the Member States decided …
Almost all countries announced fiscal support programs once COVID-19 hit. However, there was significant diversity in the magnitude and composition of these fiscal stimulus programs …
Studies carried out in different countries correlate social, economic, environmental, and health factors with the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19. However, such studies …
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the world economy and global society. However, small-and medium-sized enterprises are among the most vulnerable and affected …
П Илић, Н Пржуљ, О Ерић, ДН Маркић - researchgate.net
Усљед све израженијих климатских промјена и интензивираног антропогеног утицаја на животну средину, с једне стране, те глобалног економског раста и експлоатације …
O Erić, S Kurteš, S Amidžić - ОДРЖИВИ РАЗВОЈ И УПРАВЉАЊЕ …, 2023 - doisrpska.nub.rs
Green Economy pertains to a quite complex approach to economic development. This concept is present in many segments of life, so the Green Economy can be said to be an …
Studies carried out in different countries correlate social, economic, environmental, and health factors with the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19. However, such studies …