[图书][B] Adverbial clauses, main clause phenomena, and composition of the left periphery: The cartography of syntactic structures, volume 8

L Haegeman - 2012 - books.google.com
Adverbial Clauses, Main Clause Phenomena, and Composition of the Left Periphery uses
the cartographic theory to examine the left periphery of the English clause and compare it to …

[图书][B] The syntax of relative clauses: A unified analysis

G Cinque - 2020 - books.google.com
Relative clauses play a hugely important role in analysing the structure of sentences. This
book provides the first evidence that a unified analysis of the different types of relative …

Factivity mirrors interpretation: The selectional requirements of presuppositional verbs

I Kastner - Lingua, 2015 - Elsevier
Different verbs can take different kinds of arguments. Factive verbs such as remember and
forget take clausal complements which are presupposed to be true. In contrast, verbs such …


J McCloskey - The Blackwell companion to syntax, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
What distinguishes the two cases? The pronouns in (1) appear in positions where one
would, in a certain sense, have expected to find a gap. The expectation is reasonable …

Nanosyntax: the basics

L Baunaz, E Lander, K De Clercq… - Oxford Studies in …, 2018 - zora.uzh.ch
This chapter offers a thorough introduction to nanosyntactic theory, a development of the
cartographic program in generative grammar. It discusses the foundations on which …

Referential CPs and DPs: An operator movement account

L Haegeman, B Ürögdi - 2010 - degruyter.com
The empirical focus of this paper is the syntax and semantics of embedded clauses, and in
particular, finite object clauses that are weak islands for extraction and incompatible with …

[图书][B] Anti-agreement

NB Baier - 2018 - search.proquest.com
In this dissertation, I investigate the sensitivity of ϕ-agreement to features typically
associated with Ā-extraction, including those related to wh-questioning, relativization, focus …

[图书][B] Typological studies: Word order and relative clauses

G Cinque - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
In this book, Cinque takes a generative perspective on typological questions relating to word
order and to the syntax of relative clauses. In particular, Cinque looks at: the position of the …

Latin embedded clauses

L Danckaert - 2012 - torrossa.com
Latin Embedded Clauses Page 1 Latin Embedded Clauses The let periphery Lieven
Danckaert John Benjamins Publishing Company Linguistik Aktuell Linguistics Today 184 Page …

The hidden structure of Thai noun phrases

PSE Jenks - 2011 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation investigates the structure and interpretation of noun phrases in Thai and
other classifier languages, focusing particular attention on whether Thai contains the same …