Field programmable gate array applications—A scientometric review

J Ruiz-Rosero, G Ramirez-Gonzalez, R Khanna - Computation, 2019 -
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a general purpose programmable logic device
that can be configured by a customer after manufacturing to perform from a simple logic gate …

A 90nm low-power FPGA for battery-powered applications

T Tuan, S Kao, A Rahman, S Das… - Proceedings of the 2006 …, 2006 -
Programmable logic devices such as FPGAs are useful for a wide range of applications.
However, FPGAs are not commonly used in battery-powered applications because they …

FPGA design automation: A survey

D Chen, J Cong, P Pan - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2006 -
Abstract Design automation or computer-aided design (CAD) for field programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs) has played a critical role in the rapid advancement and adoption of FPGA …

An overview of low-power techniques for field-programmable gate arrays

J Lamoureux, W Luk - 2008 NASA/ESA Conference on …, 2008 -
This paper provides an overview of low-power techniques for field-programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs). It covers system-level design techniques and device-level design …

Power modeling and characteristics of field programmable gate arrays

F Li, Y Lin, L He, D Chen, J Cong - IEEE Transactions on …, 2005 -
This paper studies power modeling for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and
investigates FPGA power characteristics in nanometer technologies. Considering both …

Toward increasing FPGA lifetime

S Srinivasan, R Krishnan, P Mangalagiri… - … on Dependable and …, 2008 -
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been aggressively moving to lower gate
length technologies. Such a scaling of technology has an adverse impact on the reliability of …

Improving software security with a C pointer analysis

D Avots, M Dalton, VB Livshits, MS Lam - Proceedings of the 27th …, 2005 -
This paper presents a context-sensitive, inclusion-based, field-sensitive points-to analysis
for C and uses the analysis to detect and prevent security vulnerabilities in programs. In …

Development of field programmable modular wireless sensor network nodes for ambient systems

SJ Bellis, K Delaney, B O'Flynn, J Barton… - Computer …, 2005 - Elsevier
The goal of this work is to fabricate robust, miniature, wireless sensor modules. These
provide an enabling technology platform to conduct research in creating ambient systems …

A Dual-V DD Low Power FPGA Architecture

A Gayasen, K Lee, N Vijaykrishnan… - … Logic and Application …, 2004 - Springer
The continuing increase in FPGA size and complexity and the emergence of sub-100nm
technology have made FPGA power consumption, both dynamic and static, an important …

System and method for using reconfiguration ports for power management in integrated circuits

JJN Serra, T Tuan - US Patent 7,973,556, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of operating an integrated circuit having a circuit block
configurable by a configuration memory is disclosed. The method includes determining …