The Role of Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability and Self Confidence.

H Hendriana, T Johanto, U Sumarmo - Journal on Mathematics Education, 2018 - ERIC
This study is a pre test-post-test experimental control group design having a goal to analyze
the role of problembased learning on students' mathematical problem-solving ability (MPSA) …

Development of Learning Materials Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Approach to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy.

L Ulandari, Z Amry, S Saragih - International Electronic Journal of Mathematics …, 2019 - ERIC
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of learning materials based on realistic
mathematics education approach, as well as improving mathematical problem solving ability …

Improving Student's Mathematical Problem Solving Skills through Quizizz.

S Setiyani, N Fitriyani, L Sagita - Journal of Research and Advances in …, 2020 - ERIC
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Education in Indonesia affects school activities rapidly.
Teachers are no longer educated in classrooms only, but they can also utilize technology to …

Where Exactly for Enhance Critical and Creative Thinking: The Use of Problem Posing or Contextual Learning.

W Winarso, AA Haqq - European Journal of Educational Research, 2020 - ERIC
Learning models that can improve critical thinking, skills collaborate, communicate, and
creative thinking are needed in the 21st-century education era. Critical and creative thinking …

Pengaruh model pembelajaran kontekstual terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa smp

KSW Brinus, AP Makur, F Nendi - Mosharafa: Jurnal …, 2019 -
Rendahnya kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4
Langke Rembong tahun ajaran 2018/2019 menjadi latar belakang masalah penelitian ini …

Analisis kepercayaan diri (self-confidence) siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui model problem based learning

Z Fardani, E Surya, M Mulyono - Paradikma, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap Kepercayaan diri (self confidence) siswa
setelah pelaksanaan model Problem Based Learning. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian …

[PDF][PDF] Contribution of mathematical anxiety, learning motivation and self-confidence to student's mathematical problem solving

I Irhamna, Z Amry, H Syahputra - Budapest International Research …, 2020 -
The objectives of this study are to:(1) Analyze whether there is a contribution of mathematics
anxiety, learning motivation and selfconfidence to the ability to solve mathematical problems …

[HTML][HTML] Model Blended learning ANTASARI untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Memecahkan Masalah

A Suriansyah, AR Agusta, A Setiawan - Journal of Economics …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik dan penerapan model blended
learning ANTASARI;(2) Kesesuaian penerapan model blended learning ANTASARI;(3) …

The Role Of Learning Media In Learning Mathematics: A Systematic Literature Review

LH Muhaimin, D Juandi - Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics …, 2023 -
Learning media is a tool that can assist the process of transferring knowledge from teacher
to student so that learning is more effective. This literature study provides a comprehensive …

Faktor-Faktor Kesulitan Belajar Siswa pada Materi Perbandingan dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual

Y Agnesti, R Amelia - Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 -
Mempelajari matematika dianggap sulit oleh mayoritas siswa. Solusinya, peneliti
menerapkan sebuah pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …