Narratives are everywhere--and since a significant part of contemporary media culture is defined by narrative forms, media studies need a genuinely transmedial narratology. Against …
What is a narrative? What is narrative fiction? How does it differ from other kinds of narrative? What featuers turn a discourse into a narrative text? Now widely acknowledged …
Monika Fludernik presents a detailed analysis of free indirect discourse as it relates to narrative theory, and the crucial problematic of how speech and thought are represented in …
InTRoducTIon 2 in chapter one, drawing upon, and extrapolating from, the pragmatic theory of relevance advanced by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. What follows in the rest of the …
A talking body part, a character that is simultaneously alive and dead, a shape-changing setting, or time travel: although impossible in the real world, such narrative elements do …
Ethos and Narrative Interpretation examines the fruitfulness of the concept of ethos for the theory and analysis of literary narrative. The notion of ethos refers to the broadly persuasive …
1. What's Become of Narrativity? Reasons and Reasonings about Temporal Order A poem, according to Coleridge, reconciles the delights of the whole with those located in each …
Mit seiner Filmnarratologie bietet Markus Kuhn einen umfassenden, systematischen und zugleich anwendungsorientierten Entwurf einer Erzähltheorie des Spielfilms. Das Buch hat …