Social immunity: emergence and evolution of colony-level disease protection

S Cremer, CD Pull, MA Fürst - Annual Review of Entomology, 2018 -
Social insect colonies have evolved many collectively performed adaptations that reduce the
impact of infectious disease and that are expected to maximize their fitness. This colony …

Does genetic diversity limit disease spread in natural host populations?

KC King, CM Lively - Heredity, 2012 -
It is a commonly held view that genetically homogenous host populations are more
vulnerable to infection than genetically diverse populations. The underlying idea, known as …

Social transfer of pathogenic fungus promotes active immunisation in ant colonies

M Konrad, ML Vyleta, FJ Theis, M Stock, S Tragust… - PLoS …, 2012 -
Due to the omnipresent risk of epidemics, insect societies have evolved sophisticated
disease defences at the individual and colony level. An intriguing yet little understood …

Grooming behavior as a mechanism of insect disease defense

M Zhukovskaya, A Yanagawa, BT Forschler - Insects, 2013 -
Grooming is a well-recognized, multipurpose, behavior in arthropods and vertebrates. In this
paper, we review the literature to highlight the physical function, neurophysiological …

Social immunity and the evolution of group living in insects

J Meunier - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2015 -
The evolution of group living requires that individuals limit the inherent risks of parasite
infection. To this end, group living insects have developed a unique capability of mounting …

The expression and impact of antifungal grooming in ants

A Reber, J Purcell, SD Buechel, P Buri… - Journal of …, 2011 -
Parasites can cause extensive damage to animal societies in which many related
individuals frequently interact. In response, social animals have evolved diverse individual …

Destructive disinfection of infected brood prevents systemic disease spread in ant colonies

CD Pull, LV Ugelvig, F Wiesenhofer, AV Grasse… - Elife, 2018 -
In social groups, infections have the potential to spread rapidly and cause disease
outbreaks. Here, we show that in a social insect, the ant Lasius neglectus, the negative …

Maternal care provides antifungal protection to eggs in the European earwig

S Boos, J Meunier, S Pichon, M Kölliker - Behavioral Ecology, 2014 -
Many insects raise their offspring on organic substrates or in the soil where microorganisms
are abundant. Microbes may pose a serious threat to offspring development and survival by …

Larger colony sizes favoured the evolution of more worker castes in ants

L Bell-Roberts, JFR Turner, GDA Werner… - Nature ecology & …, 2024 -
The size–complexity hypothesis is a leading explanation for the evolution of complex life on
earth. It predicts that in lineages that have undergone a major transition in organismality …

Altered Immunity in Crowded Locust Reduced Fungal (Metarhizium anisopliae) Pathogenesis

Y Wang, P Yang, F Cui, L Kang - PLoS pathogens, 2013 -
The stress of living conditions, similar to infections, alters animal immunity. High population
density is empirically considered to induce prophylactic immunity to reduce the infection risk …