In the digital era, the smart city can become an intelligent society by utilizing advances in emerging technologies. Specifically, the rapid adoption of blockchain technology has led a …
The use of Blockchain technology has recently become widespread. It has emerged as an essential tool in various academic and industrial fields, such as healthcare, transportation …
Prosumer concept and digitilization offer the exciting potential of microgrid transactive energy systems at distribution level for reducing transmission losses, decreasing electric …
Abstract Development of the smart grids (SGs) has led to many changes in the current power grid structure. Application of new devices, technologies, renewable energy resources, and …
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming how organizations and industries communicate and conduct their everyday operations. Its application has proven to be ideal for industries …
Vehicular networks promise features such as traffic management, route scheduling, data exchange, entertainment, and much more. With any large-scale technological integration …
The arrival of autonomous vehicles (AVs) promises many great benefits, including increased safety and reduced energy consumption, pollution, and congestion. However, these engines …
As world is affected by demand volatility; process uncertainty; supply chain complexity and information ambiguity forming a VUCA world. To manage this scenario, industries are …
Blockchain, also known as a distributed ledger technology, stores different transactions/ operations in a chain of blocks in a distributed manner without needing a trusted third-party …