Effect of self-invertible matrix on cipher hexagraphic polyfunction

SLP Ching, F Yunos - Cryptography, 2019 - mdpi.com
A cryptography system was developed previously based on Cipher Polygraphic Polyfunction
transformations, C i× j (t)≡ A i× it P i× jmod N where C i× j, P i× j, A i× i are cipher text, plain …

Effect of self invertible matrix on cipher tetragraphic trifunction

F Yunos, LS Chin, MRM Said - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper, we give some solutions L 2× 2 for L 2× 2 3≡ A 2× 2 (mod N) when A 2× 2 is
zero, identity,[ef 0 0] and [ef 0 h] matrices. As a result, the use of a secret key L 4× 4=[L 2× 2 …

Solution of L2= A Matrix to Generate Involutory Matrices for Cipher Trigraphic Polyfunction

F Yunos, AZ Kamaluzaman… - Applied …, 2023 - ejournal.unimap.edu.my
Abstract Cipher Trigraphic Polyfunction (CTriPoly) developed by previous researchers is a
modification of the Hill Cipher technique in modern cryptography. It was built on the system …