Process Mining allows organizations to obtain actual business process models from event logs (discovery), to compare the event log or the resulting process model in the discovery …
Process mining techniques can be used to analyse business processes using the data logged during their execution. These techniques are leveraged in a wide range of domains …
Big data in education offers unprecedented opportunities to support learners and advance research in the learning sciences. Analysis of observed behaviour using computational …
Process mining aims to transform event data recorded in information systems into knowledge of an organisation's business processes. The results of process mining analysis …
Process-oriented data mining (process mining) uses algorithms and data (in the form of event logs) to construct models that aim to provide insights into organisational processes …
Healthcare costs have increased dramatically and the demand for highquality care will only grow in our aging society. At the same time, more event data are being collected about care …
In the last decade, as an emerging technique for business processes management, process mining (PM) has been applied in many domains, including manufacturing, supply-chain …
Process mining, as with any form of data analysis, relies heavily on the quality of input data to generate accurate and reliable results. A fit-for-purpose event log nearly always requires …
This thesis is about process mining: the analysis an organization's processes by using process execution data. During the handling of a case or process instance data about the …