Crowd prediction systems, such as prediction markets, provide the infrastructure to elicit and combine the predictions from a group (“crowd”) of forecasters. In contrast to data-driven …
How can we identify accurate forecasters? Current gold standard approaches draw from two sources of information: simple cognitive assessments of reasoning ability and past …
Forecasts, or subjective probability assessments of uncertain events, are characterized by two qualities: coherence, the degree to which the judgments are internally consistent, and …
Forecasting tournaments are misaligned with the goal of producing actionable forecasts of existential risk, an extreme-stakes domain with slow accuracy feedback and elusive proxies …
Forecasting tournaments are a well established method for assessing human forecasting skills. Most forecasting tournaments are based on a format where participants estimate the …
A crucial bottleneck in medical artificial intelligence (AI) is high-quality labeled medical datasets. In this paper, we test a large variety of wisdom of the crowd algorithms to label …
Judgmental forecasting research on superforecasters has demonstrated that individuals differ in their foresight. However, the concept underlying this work focuses on accuracy and …
How do the ratings of critics and amateurs compare and how should they be combined? Previous research has produced mixed results about the first question, while the second …
RP Larrick, AE Mannes, JB Soll - Behavioral Decision Analysis, 2024 - Springer
This chapter reviews the “wisdom of crowds” through the lens of social psychology. Early research on social influence cast a pessimistic light on whether collectives can be wise. The …